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VegetarianCalcium is the most abundant mineral in your body and accounts for around 1.5% of total body weight of the average person. Calcium is mainly housed in your bones and teeth, with only 1% existing elsewhere such as your soft tissues and blood. Your body is constantly renewing its Calcium in childhood Calcium is completely renewed each year and in adulthood the same process happens every ten years meaning regular intake is essential.
It is no surprise that Calcium is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and normal teeth, however, this vital nutrient also contributes to normal muscle function, as well as blood clotting, energy-yielding metabolism, normal neurotransmission and the normal function of digestive enzymes.
Rich sources of Calcium include milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, nuts and fish such as sardines and pilchards. If Calcium rich foods are not part of your regular diet or you are looking for a handy way to maintain healthy levels, you may prefer to add a supplement of this essential mineral.
At Natures Aid, our convenient lemon flavoured Chewable Calcium tablets provide 800mg of Calcium per daily dose. Our in-house experts have also included Vitamin D3, which contributes to the normal absorption of Calcium and a normal blood Calcium level. The Vitamin D3 we have chosen to include tablets is sourced from lichen, meaning our Chewable Calcium tablets are vegan friendly.
DIRECTION (1 serving = 2 tablets)
Chew, suck or swallow 2 tablets per day.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Do not exceed the recommended daily intake! Keep out of reach of children! Consult your doctor or health care professional if you are pregnant or breast-feeding or taking prescription medicines. This food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle!