Product status
Price (€)
13.50 € - 28.53 €
Special Dietary Requirements
Product form



Psyllium is famous for its unique fibre content. It contains a special form of indigestible fibre called arabinoxylalan, which is made up of many sugar molecules linked in a series. It is made up of two sugars: arabionise and xylose. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that its sugar molecules are spatially structured by being linked together in a series of branched, rather than sequential, bond, which when exposed to water will form a gel-like substance.

The fibre of the psyllium, being difficult to digest, enters the parenchyma almost intact, where it is quickly absorbed by water and grows to several times its original size. It thus expels the stool that gets in its way - a necessary condition for this is that there is sufficient water to keep the stool and arabinoxylan fibre sufficiently moist - if there is not enough water, it will cause constipation or make existing conspiration worse. 

So it is very important that when you consum psyllium, you drink enough water. In this case, 3 litres a day is the minimum! In addition to the adequate water intake, consumption of psyllium can be an effective remedy for constipation.

In addition, arabinoxylase fibre is possible for bacteria in the intestinal tract. It can therefore provide nutrients for the "good bacteria". In addition, the digestion of arabinoxylas fibre by bacteria produces short-chain fatty acids (butyrates and propionates), which help to protect the health of the intestinal tract through their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common disease affecting the intestinal tract. It is widely believed that low fibre intake is to blame for its development, which is why most doctors recommend increasing fibre intake for patients with IBS. However there is a difference between fibre and fibre, and increased fibre intake can cause gas, bloating and abdominal cramping in those who are not used to it, so increased fibre intake should be increased cautiously and gradually. The fibre content of psyllium is also unique in that it has fewer unpleasant side effects than other fibres.